Projectile dynamics ODE

1. ODE system

import numpy as np

from openmdao.api import ExplicitComponent

class ProjectileSystem(ExplicitComponent):

    def initialize(self):
        self.metadata.declare('num_nodes', default=1, type_=int)

        self.g = -9.81

    def setup(self):
        num = self.metadata['num_nodes']

        self.add_input('vx', shape=(num, 1))
        self.add_input('vy', shape=(num, 1))

        self.add_output('dx_dt', shape=(num, 1))
        self.add_output('dy_dt', shape=(num, 1))
        self.add_output('dvx_dt', shape=(num, 1))
        self.add_output('dvy_dt', shape=(num, 1))

        self.declare_partials('*', '*', dependent=False)

        self.declare_partials('dx_dt', 'vx', val=1., rows=np.arange(num), cols=np.arange(num))
        self.declare_partials('dy_dt', 'vy', val=1., rows=np.arange(num), cols=np.arange(num))

    def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
        outputs['dx_dt'] = inputs['vx']
        outputs['dy_dt'] = inputs['vy']
        outputs['dvx_dt'] = 0.
        outputs['dvy_dt'] = self.g

2. ODEFunction

import numpy as np
import time

from ozone.api import ODEFunction
from ozone.tests.ode_function_library.projectile_dynamics_sys import ProjectileSystem

class ProjectileFunction(ODEFunction):

    def initialize(self, system_init_kwargs=None):
        self.set_system(ProjectileSystem, system_init_kwargs)

        self.declare_state('x', 'dx_dt', shape=1)
        self.declare_state('y', 'dy_dt', shape=1)
        self.declare_state('vx', 'dvx_dt', shape=1, targets=['vx'])
        self.declare_state('vy', 'dvy_dt', shape=1, targets=['vy'])

    def get_test_parameters(self):
        t0 = 0.
        t1 = 1.
        initial_conditions = {
            'x': 0.,
            'y': 0.,
            'vx': 1.,
            'vy': 1.,
        return initial_conditions, t0, t1

    def get_exact_solution(self, initial_conditions, t0, t):
        g = -9.81

        x0 = initial_conditions['x']
        y0 = initial_conditions['y']
        vx0 = initial_conditions['vx']
        vy0 = initial_conditions['vy']

        x = x0 + vx0 * (t - t0)
        y = y0 + vy0 * (t - t0) + 0.5 * g * (t - t0) ** 2
        vx = vx0
        vy = vy0 + g * (t - t0)
        return {'x': x, 'y': y, 'vx': vx, 'vy': vy}

3. Run script and output

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from openmdao.api import Problem
from ozone.api import ODEIntegrator
from ozone.tests.ode_function_library.projectile_dynamics_func import ProjectileFunction

ode_function = ProjectileFunction()

t0 = 0.
t1 = 1.
initial_conditions = {
    'x': 0.,
    'y': 0.,
    'vx': 1.,
    'vy': 1.,

num = 100

times = np.linspace(t0, t1, num)

method_name = 'RK4'
formulation = 'solver-based'

integrator = ODEIntegrator(ode_function, formulation, method_name,
    times=times, initial_conditions=initial_conditions,

prob = Problem(integrator)

plt.plot(prob['state:x'], prob['state:y'])
WARNING: Group 'integration_group' has the following cycles: [['ode_comp', 'vectorized_stagestep_comp']]
WARNING: System 'integration_group.ode_comp' executes out-of-order with respect to its source systems ['integration_group.vectorized_stagestep_comp']

NL: NLBGS 0 ; 217.25336 1
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 112.709038 0.51879077
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 0 0
NL: NLBGS Converged